UI Design Improves
MS Patient Healthcare

Try Celestra

The Challenge

Celestra Health sought to develop a Health & Wellness App tailored specifically for MS patients, providing them with a convenient and informative means to track their symptoms and disease progression. The app features innovative screens showcasing tools and widgets for documenting various symptoms and potential limitations. Data collected through the app is then transformed into creative visualizations. Entrusting the project to Idea Theorem™, Celestra Health collaborated on the creation of wireframes and the overall flow of the app, ensuring a user-friendly and intuitive experience for individuals managing multiple sclerosis.

Our Approach

Comprehensive Understanding

Comprehensive Understanding

To execute Celestra’s app idea effectively, we first focused on gaining a deep understanding of multiple sclerosis (MS) and its impact on patients. We used various methods, including a literature review, user journey map, competitive analysis, and persona analysis.

Knowledge Foundation

Knowledge Foundation

The literature review encompassed MS research, laying the groundwork for app screen design.

User-Centric Development

User-Centric Development

We conducted a competitive analysis of health apps, leveraging our findings to create a unique and user-focused app with innovative ideas and tried-and-true functionality.

Streamlined User Experience

Streamlined User Experience

Persona analysis and journey mapping ensured a seamless and relevant user experience within the app, prioritizing user needs and expectations.

Idea Theorem™ - Celestra mockups
Idea Theorem™ - Celestra mockups
Idea Theorem™ - Celestra mockups
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The Outcome

Innovative Design Outcome

Innovative Design Outcome

Our research and design efforts culminated in a beautifully crafted app with features such as symptom journaling, walking tests, and comprehensive progress reports.

The Vision Ahead

The Vision Ahead

Celestra Health eagerly anticipates implementing these designs into their new app, with the goal of assisting thousands of Canadian MS patients in managing and monitoring their daily symptoms.

A Promising Future

A Promising Future

The newly designed app promises a brighter and more manageable future for Canadian MS patients, offering vital tools for tracking their health and well-being.

Relevant Case Studies

Streamlining Patient Request Management and Data Entry

Streamlining Patient Request Management and Data Entry

Keeping your
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Keeping yourWaterways Healthy

A Trusted Healthcare Partner – Canada’s Largest Lab Provider

A Trusted Healthcare Partner – Canada’s Largest Lab Provider
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