Over 120,000 Ontario CPA’s Relying on our Usability Data​

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“Idea Theorem has created a visually appealing, user-friendly product that is designed specifically for our unique needs. As we use the system and discover tweaks that are needed, Idea Theorem is fast to reply and adjust the program as needed.
Rebecca Keenan
IBM Director of Human Resources

Customer Research & ​Experience Design


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The Challenge

The Chartered Professional Association (CPA) of Ontario’s PD Portal and website required a review from a usability perspective to assess whether the platforms effectively meet the needs of their targeted audience. Through analyzing various parts of the user experience, Idea Theorem™ gathered qualitative and quantitative research from participants to identify common pain points and areas that need improvement, particularly focusing on UX for Nonprofits. ​

Through a usability testing report performed by our team, participants were asked to complete a series of tasks that match typical users’ goals when using the CPA Ontario website and the PD Portal to determine whether the platforms work as intended. Our usability test was intended to achieve the following goals: ​

Analyze the CPA Ontario PD portal experience from the users’ perspective.​ Analyze the homepage and other principal pages of the cpaontario.ca website from different users’ perspectives. ​

Our Approach

Idea Theorem™ conducted moderated usability testing sessions with several groups of identified testers within the targeted user segments specified by CPA Ontario. Participants were observed through a controlled setting as they performed a series of tasks. The moderator guided the participants, instructing them to “think aloud” throughout the session and to ask questions. Participants were required to browse and comment on the platforms in order to complete predefined tasks.​

Our team created recruitment email templates for CPA Ontario to reach out to potential participants through the CPA Ontario database. The email templates included a Calendly link for participants to book 5-minute pre-qualification calls with Idea Theorem, which were conducted to ensure that the participants selected were articulate and descriptive.​

Thorough Requirement Gatherings

Thorough Requirement Gatherings

Developed a comprehensive approach to address the Town of Newmarket’s requirements and gather insights from internal and external user groups.

In-Depth Focus Group Sessions

In-Depth Focus Group Sessions

Initiated ten in-depth focus group sessions involving various town departments to foster a comprehensive understanding of internal dynamics and user needs.

Qualitative Feedback and Data Synthesis

Qualitative Feedback and Data Synthesis

Candid discussions in both internal and external focus group sessions provided qualitative feedback, revealing user experiences and expectations. Rigorous data synthesis and analysis produced meaningful insights, utilizing qualitative and quantitative techniques and cutting-edge analytical tools.

Collaborative Alignment With Stakeholders

Collaborative Alignment With Stakeholders

Collaboratively aligned the research plan with strategic goals, utilizing online surveys to capture a wider range of perspectives and ensuring data relevance and reliability through qualification screening criteria.

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The Outcome

Enhancing CPA Ontario's Portal

Enhancing CPA Ontario’s Portal

Idea Theorem™ delivered a robust 172-page Usability Report, empowering CPA Ontario to address user segment issues and improve their portal. Follow-up interviews confirmed stakeholder satisfaction, while usability testing data optimized portal functionality.

Driving Portal Improvements

Driving Portal Improvements

Insights from Idea Theorem™’s Usability Report informed portal enhancements for CPA Ontario. Addressing user segment issues resulted in improved functionality, enhancing user experience and satisfaction.

Validating Results

Validating Results

Stakeholder feedback affirmed satisfaction with the Usability Report’s results, validating the effectiveness of insights provided by Idea Theorem™. This collaboration ensured meaningful improvements to CPA Ontario’s portal.

Maximizing Portal Performance

Maximizing Portal Performance

Usability testing data from Idea Theorem™ positively impacted the CPA Ontario community, optimizing portal functionality. Informed decisions based on testing insights led to a portal operating at peak capacity, benefiting users.

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