UI/UX Design

Enhancing User Experience: The Role of UX Audits

18 Feb 2019

5 mins read




Website recommendations are data-driven

We develop recommendations based on research and analysis, ensuring they are free from assumptions.

Identifies and improves success metrics

Knowing beforehand would ensure that you focus and steadily improve your website.

Relevant to users

The recommendations address the importance of improvements. It can eliminate current user pain points and focuses on users’ goals and expectations.

Builds brand loyalty

Improving marketing tactics, establishing proper website branding, and strategically placing the value proposition all contribute to building brand loyalty.

The UX audit should include recommendations based on the latest trends and UX best practices.

Eliminates distractions

Recommendations are not assumptions or hints in including unnecessary features required on a website. Recommendations focus on legitimate suggestions, either including or removing existing features on a website.

Usability and accessibility

Ensure that your website is up-to-date with the usability and accessibility standards.

Find insights from other areas other than the website

UX audits also analyze competitors, social media, and even online presence. These insights can help develop a new strategy to improve the user experience and additional areas where required.



Understanding the Business

The UX audit begins with an understanding of the business’s goals that can be achieved from the website. Additionally, users should understand through the website what is the brand’s value proposition and how they define customer loyalty. A stakeholder interview would be an essential research method to gather this data. Explore more about the ROI of user experience.

Collecting Analytical Data

The next step is to gather analytical data on the website. Collecting analytical data from a website helps us understand user behavior and motivations. This will help in revealing potential issues that may require improvements. These issues are later validated in the user research phase.

There are many tools that are available that can be used to gather data from the website. Analytical research collects quantitative data on user flows, bounce rate, conversion rate, and much more. The data is then represented in numbers and quantities.

Hotjar – Visual indicators through click and scrolling interactions on heatmaps help with understanding the users’ motivations and desires.

Establishing Success Metrics

Based on the data collected and the business’s goals, the next step is to establish metrics that need to be monitored. Consequently, improving these metrics can enhance the user experience, as they are developed based on solid facts.


Conducting User Research

Understanding users’ from their perspective helps in driving design decisions. Analytical data focuses on users’ interactions, but it does not provide information about their decision-making processes, needs, and concerns. To do gather this information, conducting user research is the next step in the UX audit. Personas, customer journey mapping, and empathy mapping are created to drive design decisions by understanding users’ characteristics, needs, goals, and capabilities.

Personas represent the needs and desires of the segment(s) within a targeted audience of a website.

Customer journey maps highlight customers’ interactions before, during, and after with a website. It provides in-depth visualization of how a customer accomplishes the goal. The customer journey will also help in establishing pain points and desires they come across during their journey.

Empathy mapping 

It sums up the customers’ mindset and emotions before, during, and after their journey when accomplishing their goal. Helps with empathizing with their needs and concerns.

Users’ pain points are identified to understand what stops or discourages users from achieving their goals.

User testings 

This validate the identified pain points, along with additional UX issues found within the website. User testings reveal if users understand what to do and where users are struggling when completing a task (goal).


The goal of this phase is to determine where and why the UX issues exist. This involves identifying which part of the website requires improvements and assessing whether the website adheres to UX best practices and principles. Furthermore, the analysis phase is essential for the UX audit as it supports the reasoning behind the recommendations being provided. Moreover, additional areas that a UX audit may analyze include:

Competitors analysis 

It can help create a strategy to compete against competitors by understanding their strengths, weaknesses, marketing strategies, and barriers.

Online presence 

determines how the website is viewed when users search online. It identifies the areas that require attention. A strategy can later be developed to improve the effectiveness of the online presence.

Generating Data-Driven Recommendations

We create actionable recommendations to address the UX issues identified in the analysis phase. This action will aid in enhancing the success metrics established for the website.

Examples are provided for the recommendations, to illustrate a point.
We prioritize recommendations based on their impact and severity, presented in a checklist format. The UX report incorporates the best UX practices and principles. Moreover, tailored UX practices suitable for specific businesses will be provided.

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Idea Theorem is an award-winning design & development agency based in North America. Through our empathy-driven approach, we have crafted digital products that have positively impacted over 10 million users. Our mission is to shape the digital future by delivering exceptional experiences. Contact Us if you have any questions; we will gladly help you.

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