
Energy Analytics & Customer Experience with Lowfoot

25 Jan. 2023

7 mins read


Summary : Peter Quincy, CEO of Lowfoot, discusses how energy analytics enhances customer experience for utilities and retailers through actionable data insights.


  • Lowfoot transforms energy data into actionable insights for utilities and customers.
  • Improved customer service leads to reduced call center volumes and enhanced trust.
  • Specialized support for solar, battery storage, and EVs to meet evolving customer needs.
  • Key metrics include cost, efficiency, engagement, and equity to enhance customer experience.
  • Data security is prioritized to protect customer privacy and avoid AI bias.
  • Demand response programs encourage customer participation during peak energy times.
  • Focus on equitable distribution of energy services amid the energy transition.

Key Insights

  • Customer Engagement is Crucial: Effective communication of energy usage and costs can significantly reduce customer inquiries, promoting trust and satisfaction.
  • Data Analytics Drives Decision-Making: By leveraging analytics, utilities can anticipate customer behavior and tailor services to meet diverse needs, especially amid changing energy landscapes.
  • Importance of Customization: Different customers require different levels of information; understanding this helps in providing a personalized experience that meets individual preferences.
  • Sustainability and Innovation: Lowfoot’s focus on solar and EV support showcases the need for utilities to adapt to the growing demand for renewable energy solutions.
  • Equity in Energy Access: Utilizing demographic data ensures that new energy programs are distributed equitably, addressing historical disparities in energy access.
  • Data Privacy is Non-Negotiable: Maintaining customer privacy and security is essential in building trust, particularly with sensitive energy usage data.
  • Continuous Adaptation to Change: The rapid evolution of energy analytics necessitates agility in utility practices to stay ahead in a transitioning energy market.

What’s Next

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