UI/UX Design

4 Excellent Reasons to Redesign Your Website

08 Jan. 2018

5 mins read


With 80% of people research online before making a decision. With the attention span of the user decreased,  the website has about 10 seconds to leave an impression and tell them about what they will get out the website. If they don’t get what they came for in those 10 seconds, they will leave.

So redesigning your website is NOT something to be taken lightly. To redesign a website you need a lot of patience and time. But at the end of the day, you will be happy with the results.

On an average, a website needs to be revamped after every 18-24 months. Technology and design trends keep changing every year. It is important to keep your website up-to-date with the changes that are happening in technology and in the design world.

Here are 4 reasons why you need to update your website:

1. Your website is not responsive

With 52.64% of internet traffic coming through mobile, it is important to have a website which is responsive. Mobile users expect that the mobile websites should load quickly.

The navigation and flow of information should be seamless without any hiccups. This is a good user experience otherwise users won’t recommend a business with a poorly-designed mobile site.

Also, Google’s ranking system prefers mobile-friendly websites with their “mobile-first” indexing. Google drives 93% of mobile search traffic. This can affect how your website appears in the search engines.

2. The website is not getting the results you want

44% of website visitors will leave a company’s website if there is no contact information ” quote=”44% of website visitors will leave a company’s website if there’s no contact information or phone number.”

If your website has high bounce rates and low conversions then it is time to think about redesigning your website. What is happening is that the users are able to go to your website but leave your website quickly. It could be because of the following reasons:

  1. Bad user experience
  2. Confusing web structure, such as finding contact information could be a tedious job
  3. Website content has not been updated
  4. Website functionality is not working properly

3. The website has a poor user experience

User experience has become an important factor for the user. It has become a decision maker for the user whether they will be using the website or not. The website should have:

  1. Easy navigation
  2. Seamless flow of data
  3. Relevant images & icons
  4. Consistent brand message.

With these incorporated, users will stay longer and browse through the website to find what they are looking for.

”57% of internet users say they won’t recommend a business with a poorly designed website on mobile” quote=”57% of internet users say they won’t recommend a business with a poorly designed website on mobile”

4. The website does not reflect your latest business or marketing strategy

Over the years businesses pivot, the business strategy changes. The website should reflect that. It should showcase your brand message. The website should be the face of your business. The website should evolve and change as your business grows.

If the website’s purpose has changed, it is better to overhaul the layout to suit your business or marketing needs. For example, if your new goal is lead generation, then perhaps more blog posts or any other form of lead generation content should be given more priority. For that, you need to have visible CTAs and good landing pages.


A website is an effective way of doing digital marketing. If it does not reflect your business, sales will not happen. If any of the points above are true then it is time for redesigning your website.

At Idea Theorem, we take care of your redesign and get your website optimized for a great user experience. Contact us for more information!

Web Design Trends in 2018 – Part 1

Web Design Trends in 2018 – Part 2

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