
How to Conduct Usability Testing During a Pandemic?

Before releasing a product, or even after its release, it is a good practice…

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Usability Testing Vs. User Testing – Why it is important?

In software and application development, there is often…

User Research

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Idea Validation Checklist

Instead of assuming a product idea will be successful, companies should first focus on…

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What is a Customer Journey Map and why is it important?

What is a Customer Journey Map? A customer journey map is a process to…

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In A/B Testing We Trust

Human behavior surprises the best of us. That makes it really challenging to understand which…

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My Target Audience is Everyone

When you work closely with startup founders or executives who are looking to take…

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A Guide for Creating Personas for Lean UX

Traditionally, companies created products based on…

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No User Research is like hitting a target without bulls-eye

In today’s rapidly evolving market landscape, the success of businesses hinges on their ability…

User Research

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